Renewable energies and food technology at UTAB in the framework of EnRHEd Project

On 11 February 2022, the EnRHEd delegation was invited by UTAB_Byumba to hold a half-day workshop dealing with topics such as E-learning, renewable energies and new food technologies.

The introduction to the workshop was given by the UTAB VC Fr Dr Gilbert Munana, UTAB Principal Dr Eliezer Niyonzima and UTAB Project Manager Fr. Dr. Lucien Hakizimana, followed by the interventions of UNIPR professors Roberto Valentino, Davide Barbanti and Andrea Fabbri and by UTAB lecturers Clement Urinzwenimana and Evariste Nshimyimana.
The meeting was attended by about 25 academic staff, who had the opportunity to intervene and interact with the speakers to discuss the issues addressed in the various panels. Of great interest was the final visit to the company Urwibutso Ltd which operates in the food sector, where the EnRHEd delegation had the opportunity to exchange ideas with some local entrepreneurs on the development of food technology and the modernisation of food processing.
The meeting, excellently organised by the management of UTAB, promoted the EnRHEd project from several aspects, including the Dissemination&Exploitation of the results obtained so far thanks to the activities carried out within the framework of EnRHEd and the strengthening of the partnership between academia and business, as well as discussing the future perspectives of cooperation between the EU and Rwanda in the fields of Capacity building, development and modernisation.
We would like to thank UTAB for a constructive day, which was also streamed. To watch the recording, click on the following link: